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Health Services

Health Services

The nurse’s office is located in the Administration Building. Our nurse directs the health program of the school and will be happy to talk to you and your parents about any special problems you may have. Mile High Middle School has a full-time, Registered Nurse on staff.

The school nurse has the following obligations and restrictions:

  • Home injuries are a parental responsibility and should be taken care of at home.
  • No prescription medication can be given without written permission. If it is necessary for a student to take medication during the day, the medication must be sent to the school nurse in the original container, with the student’s name on the label. This request must be accompanied by a request signed by a parent or guardian. The medication form is available from the school nurse. All medication will be kept in the Health Center. Any medications sent to school without the original container and instructions will not be given.
  • If a student needs to carry an inhaler for severe asthma, he/she must have a note from a doctor or a doctor’s signature on a specific form from the school nurse. Parents must also complete the medication permission form.
  • Students must have a written pass to see the nurse. If the nurse is not available, students are to see one of the counselors or the registrar. The 5-minute passing period should not be used for this purpose except in cases of emergency. Otherwise, a student must report to class, obtain a written pass or student agenda, then return to the nurse’s office.