Mile High competes at an interscholastic level.
While athletics are not required, we certainly encourage our students to experience the teamwork and excellent life lessons that can be learned through our programs. Pay-to-play fee per sport: $110.
Each sport requires a new parent permission form, school insurance/private health insurance, and Pay to Play payment. If you do not have health insurance for your child, you may purchase school insurance from K&K Insurance. Insurance forms are available in the front office. Pay to play fees can be used as a tax credit on your Arizona State tax returns (max $200 individual, $400 family per year) upon completion of a tax credit form, which must be submitted along with the payment. Tax credit forms are available in the front office or on the district tax credit page.
No athlete may participate in any sport if they are 15 years old before September 1st of the current year. In all cases, Mile High coaches and administration will have the final say in matters of student athlete eligibility.
No Pass No Play Policy
Mile High enforces a no pass, no play policy.
Athletic Grade Check Policy
Grades will be checked for all students participating in athletics every Monday.
If a student has a failing grade (F) at the time of the grade check, they will be put on probation for the week (until the following Monday). They will be allowed to play the week they are on probation. During the week of probation, they are expected to talk to their teachers, their coach, and their parents about what they can do to improve their grade.
If a student was put on probation for a week due to a failing grade and they are still failing the following Monday (same class or a different class) the student will be ineligible and not allowed to play or travel with the team that entire week/weekend even if the grade is brought up during the week.
Grades will continue to be checked every Monday. If a student on probation has brought up their grade to a passing grade they will be allowed to play. If they still have a failing grade, they will continue to be ineligible.
Students will be allowed to practice regardless of grades.
Students will be notified by their coach on Monday. It is the responsibility of the student to notify their parent of their eligibility status. Parents are also encouraged to check PowerSchool to stay aware of their child’s grades.
Any student who receives an “F” on an end of quarter report card will be ineligible to participate in the first game/meet the following quarter. For example, if a student fails a 2nd quarter class and goes out for boys basketball during 3rd quarter, they would be ineligible for the first game of the boys basketball season.
Mile High administration will make the final determination in matters of student eligibility.